
Aba Zang Feng Hotel

Entrance to Aba Zang Feng Hotel

In Aba, you will find the Aba Zang Feng Hotel where travelers go to experience a little bit of the local Tibetan hospitality and kindness. You will also find that the hotel is one of the most comfortable and cleanest in town. A local Tibetan couple Nima and his wife Norbu Tso run the hotel, and they welcome guests from all over the world as they have the legal permission to accommodate both domestic and international visitors. Opened in 2015, this was the first locally-owned Tibetan home-style hotel in the town of Aba.

Both Nima and Norbu Tso are teachers at the local Tibetan middle school. Their polite and warm service will make your journey easier and more enjoyable. They are always happy to help you out if you want them to assist you with anything. For example, they will help you if you need to rent a car to drive around the town or visit any of the scenery in Aba. Nima has a small car, so he may even offer to drive you himself if he is not busy. As locals in the area, they have a host of information up their sleeve which they will willingly provide to you as you need it.

The Aba Zang Feng Hotel has single, double, and triple rooms, and one “family style” room to accommodate their guests. The Family Style room is a big space with a comfortable sofa/lounge area, bathroom, and a private kitchen, making this perfect if you are traveling with your family or friends and want a little more space. Internet is available at the hotel, along with plenty of hot water, so your stay at their hotel should be relatively refreshing.

Inside the hotel
Aba Zang Feng Hotel’s family style room.

The entire hotel has Tibetan decorations, although the architecture is not quite in the Tibetan style. The top floor of the hotel gives a great view of the entire town, allowing guests to appreciate their surroundings. If you ask for it, the couple is happy to provide you with local milk tea or green tea. The stairs leading to each floor open onto a hallway landing complete with a quaint set of table and chairs perfect for enjoying your tea, or waiting for a friend. The hotel location is also conveniently located near the supermarket, antique market, and the Kirti Monastery.

None of the hotels in Aba town are fully Tibetan in style, so Nima and Norbu Tso are planning to build another hotel in Aba that will be designed and decorated in the traditional Tibetan architecture. As teachers, both of them are very passionate about education, so they also hope to support poor students with their school fees in the future. We hope to see Nima and Norbu Tso continue to fulfill their dreams as they are a very sweet and hardworking couple.

Hall of the hotel
The hall of the hotel is a very nice place to enjoy local tea.

We strongly believe that by staying at the Aba Zang Feng Hotel you will have a culturally rewarding and pleasant stay. When we visited here, the couple continued to go above and beyond our expectations, continually offering us services we didn’t even know we wanted, but really ended up thankful for! We walked in their front door as complete strangers, and after the couple of days we spent at their hotel, we left feeling as if we had just made a friends with their family.


Contact Info:

Address: 40 meters on the right side of Aba Township Government Building, Aba Town.

Phone: 13568799927

地址: 阿坝镇政府新办公大楼旁
