Ciwang Danzhen is an educated nomad. He is very happy with his nomadic life, where he spends his days herding yaks, sheep, and horses, but he feels happier when he has the chance to show his nomadic life and culture to friends from all over the world. So Ciwang and his family opened the tent guesthouse on the fascinating Hongyuan grasslands in 2015. Named JiLi Long Yangqin Tents Guesthouse. Currently, there are 12 employees at the guesthouse. 5 of them are family members and the rest come from the surrounding local communities.

As a guest, you have the option of staying in their hotel, but for those wanting a little more authentic experience, you may stay in one of their guest tents made with the traditional black yak wool. While you stay, enjoy the healthy food, because everything you eat is organic with nomads! For example, fresh milk, tsam pa (barley flour), yoghurt, yak meat, etc., might find its way to the bowl in front of you. If you are interested, you can even help the guesthouse prepare the food that you and the other guests will be served. When you are ready for a drink, the guesthouse has a very nice teahouse, where you can go to drink yak milk, black tea, and yak butter tea.

You are also welcome to join and enjoy the local Tibetan entertainment, such as, traditional games, dancing, singing, horse riding, and archery. In Tibetan tradition, people hold outdoor parties, where they hold hands and dance around the campfire. Maybe you will be lucky enough and find yourself learning to dance like a nomad!
As the sun sets, take a moment to stop and stargaze. In such a vast sky, the moon and the stars seem brighter, and you might lose yourself for a quiet moment before you retire to your tent or hotel room for a good night’s sleep.

Chiwang Danzhen hopes that he can bring a positive impact to his local economy, and he hopes that more and more young Tibetans can stand on their own two feet by starting their own small business.
We recommend Jili Long Yangqing Tents guesthouse if you have chance to visit the Hongyuan Tibetan area. We are confident that you will have a pleasant stay living with local Tibetan nomads and experiencing the rich culture that they have to offer.
Contact Info:
地址: 红原县霞穹中街红原牦牛肉食品公司东北400米
手机: 赤旺丹增13438791502
Address: Xia Qiong Zhong Jie, Hongyuan County, Nearby the Hongyuan Yak Meat Food Company.
Phone: Ciwang Danzhen: 13438791502
Front desk: 0837-2661119