
Po Ba Tsang Restaurant

Employees of Po Ba Tsang

Located in Lhasa, the Po Ba Tsang Restaurant is serving guests more than just food, and they are proving that being at the roof of the world is a rewarding, yet challenging task. Guests to Lhasa are continually amazed by the local historical and cultural sites, and they are often touched by the local peoples’ devotion to their religion, and hospitality for their visitors.

Unfortunately though, due to political issues, homestays are not allowed to operate in Lhasa, but if they were, travelers would undoubtedly enjoy this option. Instead, those looking for a fabulous experience of Tibetan traditional food, performance, and hospitality should stop by Po Ba Tsang Restaurant in order to experience the spirit of local Tibet. A cozy and welcoming restaurant, Po Ba Tsang was a deliberately chosen name, as “Po Ba” means Tibetan, and “Tsang” means home & family. Travelers are always welcome to visit Po Ba Tsang if they have a chance to visit the holy city of Lhasa.

Po Ba Tsang Performers.
Performers at Po Ba Tsang Restaurant.

The restaurant was founded in 2009 by a young, talented, and well-educated local Tibetan man named Chemey. Chemey used to work as an emcee, chef, and teacher, and even today he stills teaches, just not as much as he once did. Now he focuses on his restaurant business, and is very passionate about showing people traditional food, and classical song and dance performances. Po Ba Tsang has around 30 employees, with this including his artists and performers.

Every night the restaurant performs time-honored songs and dances with traditional dress and instruments. The soft and peaceful music will bring you back to a time in history when there was no hustle and bustle of today’s modern day city to be heard.  Rather, the listener can easily imagine themselves in the midst of a grassland surrounded by nomadic herders, and many come to wonder if the Tibetan love of singing comes from living so close to the roof of the world. With the performers voices seemingly as high as Mt. Everest, and as pure as the land they spring from, dinners in the evening linger just a little longer than they should.

Tibetan Hotpot
Traditional Tibetan Hotpot is served at Po Ba Tsang Restaurant

Patrons of Po Ba Tsang don’t only come for the song and dance, but because the restaurant specializes in Tibetan Hotpot. With dinner and a show, guests often sample the flavors of locally made Tibetan beer and wine.

In the past fear years, Chemey has faced challenges, but he has also gained valuable experience about the restaurant business.  He has trained many staff, and he hopes that Po Ba Tsang continues to show and preserve the local performing arts, all while providing healthy, delicious, and authentic local food to his guests.

Contact Info:

地址: 北京东路错美林路口向丹杰林100米右手二楼(光明港琼甜茶馆对面)


Address: Dan Jie lin Road (  Right In Front of Guangming Gangqiong Tian Cha House).

Phone: 0891-6899000